UW-NMS Forecast GRIB files

UW-NMS Forecast GRIB files

Information about the GRIB files

GRIB files from latest 00 UTC and 12 UTC Model Runs

Make sure to download these to disk, using:

AWIPS Grid Run 00h 06h 12h 18h 24h 30h 36h 42h 48h
211 00Z 00Z 06Z 12Z 18Z 00Z 06Z 12Z 18Z 00Z
215 00Z 00Z 06Z 12Z 18Z 00Z 06Z 12Z 18Z 00Z
211 12Z 12Z 18Z 00Z 06Z 12Z 18Z 00Z 06Z 12Z
215 12Z 12Z 18Z 00Z 06Z 12Z 18Z 00Z 06Z 12Z

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If you find this information useful, or have any questions, comments or suggestions about the web pages or the model output, please feel free to send email to Manda Adams and let us know!

This page is maintained by:

Manda Adams